Friday, August 14, 2015

Five for Friday with Doodle Bugs Teaching! :)

Hi everyone!  I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her Five for Friday for my first EVER linky!

I teach in Michigan and we don't start back with kids until September 8!  I've been starting to prep my room, waiting impatiently for my class list, and trying to fit a little fun in the last bit of summer. Here's some of the things I've been up to this week!

I went to Target today (again!) to look at the Dollar Spot as usual looking for the cute goodies all of you have been finding there.  I also was looking for some new containers, but I found something even better!

All of these beautiful chairs are on CLEARANCE!!! The bean bag chairs were reduced some, but the miniature slipper chairs (Yes, I had to google that!) were HALF OFF! They originally were $79.99, but were on clearance for $39.98!  That grey chevron chair is sitting in the isle because I was trying to convince myself that I really did need it, and not just want it really bad.  I decided to take it home with me and think about it some more there. ;)   I think it's safe to say it's not going back!  

I looked it up on Target's website for all of you other chevron and polka dot lovers.  They weren't on clearance online so check your local Targets! :)  These would be the cutest additions to a cozy little library!  

I also found these at Target today!  They caught my eye on a clearance end cap in the home section.  I may have hugged them and done a little dance I was so happy!  
I plan on using the one on the left as a comfy cushion in my file cabinet reading nook.  I don't have a picture of mine, but I was inspired by this idea that I found here.

I was thinking about using one of the chair cushions on the right to give my carpet chair a face lift.  They don't have ties though so I'm not quite sure how I could make it work.  I was also thinking I could just use them as floor cushions for my kids.  Do you guys have any other ideas?  

The best part about these are they were both regular $40, on sale for $13.66!  Can you tell I LOVE a good deal?  I get it from my momma! ;)

I looked these up online too for you guys and found them here.  They are outdoor cushions and weren't on sale online, but your local store might have some surprises for you too! :) 

I found another good deal this week at Sam's.  They have an 8 pack of 1" binders on sale for $9.98.  If I remember right, the sale goes until the 27th of August.  The sale made the 1" binders cheaper than the 1/2"!  I have used these for my STAR student binders and to hold my units for the past five years and they hold up great! 

I never played softball growing up, not even little league, but I ATTEMPT to play on a co-ed league during the summer.  It's a lot of fun with a great group of people, but this week this happened...
I was up to bat and I still have not really got the hang of hitting yet.  My team teases me that I have perfected the swinging bunt because usually it's a grounder that I have to beat the throw on.  That's exactly what happened and when they were trying to throw me out at first, they hit me right on my calf with the ball.  The good news is that I was safe and because they hit me, my team was able to score and win the game.  The bad news is this lovely bruise that is getting darker as the days go on.  As long as it's gone by my open house, it'll all be okay. :) 

When people hear Flint, Michigan, I'm sure the first thing that comes to their mind is what they hear on the news.  There are some good things that happen in Flint and this week is one of them!  It  hosts a week long car cruise called Back to the Bricks.  The entire week cars of all kinds come and drive up and down one of the main streets.  People line the streets and watch the cars drive by.  Downtown the cars park and people can walk and see the cars up close.  

It's a great event for the city and my grandparents love seeing the older cars.  I forgot to take pictures of them sitting out with their classic car, but I do have one of my parents sitting out.  :) 

I also squeezed in some time up north at my sister's in Traverse City.  She lives right by East Traverse Bay and it is BEAUTIFUL.  We didn't get a chance to kayak, but we did get to go for a bike ride along the water and go for a hike.  If you find yourself in Michigan, it's definitely a place you should visit! :)

Hope you all had a great week too and that everyone was able to squeeze in a little fun with all the work we have on our to-do lists!  I feel so bad for all of you that are in school already, but I know you'll be laughing at us northern folks when you get out and we're still working in June.  :) 

Thanks for stopping by!  

Don't forget to stop by Kacey's at Doodle Bugs Teaching and join the fun with her Five for Friday linky! 

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Welcome to Love and Learning with Littles!

Hello bloggy world! This is my first ever post on my brand new blog made by Kristin at Teaching In A Nutshell Designs. 

I have followed all of your amazing blogs for about four years now.  I've found inspiration, great ideas, and engaging products through reading your blogs and visiting your stores. Even though I have never met any of you, I feel like we're friends already and it has made my heart so happy to find people that have the same passion I do for teaching.  (and I don't feel bad about my frequent Dollar Store and Target trips now!:))  Following your journeys have helped me on mine and I have DREAMED of starting my own blog to hopefully have the same impact on someone else.

Kristen made those dreams come true!  I have absolutely NO CLUE how to do any of this blog stuff so when I saw her premade designs on her Instagram, I started researching.  Not only were Kristin's designs adorable, but they were such a great deal too!  I emailed her (with a million questions) and she responded quickly and was so sweet and patient with me.  I ended up doing a custom design and Kristin's design process was so thorough she created exactly what I had been picturing in my mind! I was also shocked at how fast she worked and very impressed with her customer service.  She went above and beyond and I am so thankful to her for getting me started on this journey! If you are considering starting a blog of your own like I did, or want to update your blog with her amazing designs you need to check out Kristin's site at Teaching In A Nutshell Designs!  

Thanks for stopping by!  I can't wait to start sharing all the adventures of my classroom with you all!